TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, July 2001

2001.07.05 15:26 "tiffsplit beyond 676 pages?", by George Rypysc
2001.07.09 12:59 "Howto write a text ( endorse) into a tiff ? (maybe a little bit off-topic)", by Bård Kregnes
2001.07.11 21:56 "newbie question", by Chris Blodgett
2001.07.16 20:10 "images", by Sim Zacks
2001.07.18 13:50 "OJPEG Support", by Frank Warmerdam
2001.07.19 18:07 "BEWARE: LibTiff and Mac and CodeWarrior 6 and CCITT images", by Michael O'Rourke
2001.07.19 21:29 "LZW TIFFReadScanline woes", by Sean Finn
2001.07.20 01:13 "how to new a tiff with input(width,length,compression,...)", by Shen Jian
2001.07.27 16:13 "Pixel count", by Alvaro de la Hera Martinez
2001.07.27 17:25 "Tools to write in tiff tags", by Christophe Lebouleux
2001.07.27 19:38 "ftp from ftp.onshore.com", by Allan Engelhardt
2001.07.27 19:45 "info on fields with tag 34665 (0x8769) and 34853 (0x8825)?", by Allan Engelhardt
2001.07.30 04:52 "unknown tiff compression scheme", by ldk