TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, February 2009

2009.02.03 07:58 "[Tiff] Compiling OS X 64 bit LibTIFF", by Peter C
2009.02.03 08:15 "[Tiff] Error while executing tiffcmp", by suhas barmase
2009.02.12 10:45 "[Tiff] Crosstesting request 12 bits per sample JPEG compression in TIFF", by
2009.02.12 13:23 "[Tiff] Bug in tif_luv.c (and a fix)", by Ive
2009.02.12 20:12 "[Tiff] Accessing tif->tif_clientdata within my own error and warning functions", by Philip Watkinson
2009.02.12 21:10 "[Tiff] warning and errors", by Philip Watkinson
2009.02.13 03:24 "[Tiff] TIFFReadRGBAImage w/ 8bit-gray + aplha", by Chris Losinger
2009.02.14 11:55 "[Tiff] Different output with the same image???", by blp330
2009.02.14 15:48 "[Tiff] any 3.9.0 status update?", by Jay Berkenbilt
2009.02.16 16:27 "[Tiff] Editable PDF creation from a tiff image", by Raghu Udupa
2009.02.17 00:35 "[Tiff] DNG question", by Gordon Wetzstein
2009.02.22 10:20 "[Tiff] losslessly wrap jpeg file into TIFF", by Zhang Weiwu
2009.02.25 08:01 "[Tiff] OT: Text layer possible in tiff format?", by
2009.02.27 22:11 "[Tiff] Microsoft to document private TIFF tags", by Brad Hards