TIFF Tag ProfileHueSatMapData1

Code50938 (hex 0xC6FA)
CountHueDivisions * SaturationDivisions * ValueDivisions * 3


Used in IFD 0 or Camera Profile IFD of DNG files.

This tag contains the data for the first hue/saturation/value mapping table. Each entry of the table contains three 32-bit IEEE floating-point values. The first entry is hue shift in degrees; the second entry is saturation scale factor; and the third entry is a value scale factor. The table entries are stored in the tag in nested loop order, with the value divisions in the outer loop, the hue divisions in the middle loop, and the saturation divisions in the inner loop. All zero input saturation entries are required to have a value scale factor of 1.0.

Related tags

See also