TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, October 1998

1998.10.01 12:30 "TIFF-F", by Olof Larsson
1998.10.01 13:33 "TIFF Question about Writing out Photoshop Resources.", by Giancarlo D'Ulisse
1998.10.06 15:43 "Testing on the Mac", by Dave Camp
1998.10.06 17:55 "TIFF 7.0", by Oya Y. Rieger
1998.10.08 20:34 "flexfax: tiff2ps patch for better output", by John Williams
1998.10.15 15:00 "Building Tiff under w95", by Rajat Varma
1998.10.20 19:00 "extracting tiff files", by Charles Perdue
1998.10.23 17:56 "tiffcp.c patch for separate tiles", by Terry Wells
1998.10.26 00:00 "PRB W95 VC MFC: printing TIFFs using StretchBlt or StretchDIBits.", by Daniel Luna
1998.10.27 14:40 "TIFFAnalyzer(TIFF analyzing tool)", by Yokoyama Yasuaki
1998.10.29 00:00 "Converting Postscript (.PS or .EPS) to Tiff", by Alchemist Matt