TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, October 1999

1999.10.04 08:24 "Problem with g4 fax decode", by Ian Marriott
1999.10.04 17:05 "libtiff problems with Group 4", by Joel Schumacher
1999.10.04 18:22 "How adobe write TIFF format?", by Mauricio Cunha Escarpinati
1999.10.07 12:54 "Mailing list delay...", by Michael L. Welles
1999.10.10 00:23 "Copy of Wang Extensions?", by Leonard Rosenthol
1999.10.14 00:48 "Bad G3 TIFF file or LIBTIFF bug?", by Sam Ohzawa
1999.10.14 09:09 "[Fwd: recommended strip size]", by Helene Danlos
1999.10.14 10:16 "Recommandation ITU T.44", by François Bonnin
1999.10.14 11:57 "TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION", by John McCann
1999.10.14 14:55 "TIFF Version validation", by Bill Comstock
1999.10.15 01:10 "TIFF download", by John Foster
1999.10.15 17:25 "Tiff Viewers (multipage/G4)", by Jim Crozier
1999.10.18 01:27 "CCITT$B!!(BGroup4$B!!(Bwith Visual/C++ ver5.0", by
1999.10.18 15:18 "libtiff on Mac OS X Server", by Chris Hanson
1999.10.21 10:38 "Zip/Deflate", by Iain Harris
1999.10.21 13:46 "libtiff 3.4beta - decoding LZW", by Gabriel Lupu
1999.10.21 21:41 "Bad TIFF or library problem?", by Kevin D. Quitt
1999.10.22 11:45 "LIBTIFF and OJPEG", by
1999.10.23 12:01 "LIBTIFF support for Windows", by Jan Nijtmans
1999.10.25 17:16 "TIFF webpage typo", by Andrew Furlong
1999.10.26 16:51 "create TIFF file from raw (compressed) image data", by Kishan B. Shah
1999.10.27 14:06 "Y2000 and libtiff", by Rouvinez Jean-Claude
1999.10.27 15:26 "Online documentation for libtiff functions?", by Robert Vesterman
1999.10.28 10:31 "Stupid TIFF question: tags in ascending order", by Robert Vesterman
1999.10.28 15:43 "file conversion to tiff", by apai apai
1999.10.29 08:30 "about Tiff printer", by 汤晓冬
1999.10.29 10:16 "", by Jose Marin Armenteros
1999.10.29 22:27 "Print-to-TIFF printer driver for windows?", by Kevin D. Quitt
1999.10.29 22:33 "TIFF scaling", by Tom DeGerlia
1999.10.30 21:37 "List of Tag Names", by W. Noach Chi