TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, August 2000

2000.08.01 00:59 "writing 3D TIFFs", by Audrey Seymour
2000.08.03 12:04 "What viewers/converters can read this file", by David Phillips
2000.08.10 22:06 "RowsPerStrip -- tiffdump vs. TIFFGetField", by Mccarty Michael J
2000.08.11 14:51 "Scan Station to Exchange Server Active Directory", by Alexander, Bill
2000.08.12 00:11 "TIFF Lib - Reading and writing pixel to TIFF file", by Davor Bonaci
2000.08.14 13:56 "fax2tiff problem to convert g3test.g3", by Tom Redman
2000.08.16 13:42 "Raster information in a tiff file", by Sylvain St-Germain
2000.08.21 17:23 "writing multi-page G3/G4 TIFFs using LibTiff", by Chris Losinger
2000.08.22 02:40 "Jpeg", by Joris Van Damme
2000.08.28 07:33 "Planar configuration", by Dr. Michael Eckstein
2000.08.29 05:44 "multi page tiff problem", by Gaffer
2000.08.29 14:14 "TIFF 4Gb file limitation", by Tom Brady