TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, May 2013

2013.05.01 14:32 "Re: [Tiff] libtiff-4.0.3 bug report", by Bob Friesenhahn
2013.05.14 04:48 "[Tiff] Is LIBTIFF 4 is ABI compatible", by Abhijit Nath
2013.05.15 02:26 "[Tiff] TIFF conversion error", by tiuser Lassei
2013.05.15 15:55 "[Tiff] tiffcmp does not always exit with a sensible completion code.", by Steve Underwood
2013.05.21 10:32 "[Tiff] memory management function calls", by Chris Liddell
2013.05.29 17:09 "[Tiff] Help with FAX4 image", by Jason Summers
2013.05.29 18:20 "[Tiff] LibTiff Bug in ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip", by LaViolette, Alan