TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, April 2022

2022.04.01 08:04 "[Tiff] TIFF Tag MD ScalePixel", by Tommaso Vinci
2022.04.01 18:28 "[Tiff] JPEG2000 support", by Miguel Medalha
2022.04.05 13:26 "[Tiff] Reading miscoded custom field array via libtiff", by Paavo
2022.04.05 15:09 "[Tiff] new checkit_tiff release", by Andreas Romeyke
2022.04.14 21:05 "[Tiff] group3 encoding/decoding", by Charis Williams
2022.04.18 15:08 "[Tiff] FW: File Offset Truncation due to incorrectr data typing for Return Argument in TIFF_WriteOverview", by Mike Stanton
2022.04.23 19:59 "[Tiff] questions about LAB encoded TIFF", by Sylvain Ard