TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, May 2022

2022.05.05 05:13 "[Tiff] Request bug confirmation for libtiff", by jeshrz
2022.05.11 16:37 "[Tiff] YCbCr Planar subsampled format support", by Carl Eric Codere
2022.05.12 18:42 "[Tiff] best tiff tag names for start and end datetimes?", by Simon (Vsevolod) Ilyushchenko
2022.05.13 19:00 "[Tiff] 4.4.0 release process", by Even Rouault
2022.05.20 16:38 "[Tiff] libtiff v4.4.0 RC1 available", by Even Rouault
2022.05.21 19:37 "[Tiff] How to read JPEG-compressed YCbCr TIFFs", by L. E. Segovia
2022.05.27 14:57 "[Tiff] libtiff 4.4.0 is released", by Even Rouault