TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, December 2014

2014.12.15 17:49 "[Tiff] Unnecessary bigger JPEG-compressed TIFF", by Even Rouault
2014.12.21 15:35 "[Tiff] For review", by Even Rouault
2014.12.21 20:12 "[Tiff] PNG in TIFF ?", by Ulf Zibis
2014.12.23 03:11 "[Tiff] TIFF JBIG writer and scanlines", by Bob Friesenhahn
2014.12.27 23:06 "[Tiff] [PATCH] tiff2ps: fix grayscale with unassociated alpha (and other extrasamples != 0)", by Yuriy M. Kaminskiy
2014.12.29 14:59 "[Tiff] Windows Error Dialog", by Aaron Boxer
2014.12.29 17:07 "[Tiff] Fwd: Windows Error Dialog", by Aaron Boxer
2014.12.29 23:05 "[Tiff] libtiff binaries for 64 bit Windows", by Kevin Myers
2014.12.30 17:31 "[Tiff] [RFC PATCH] Supporting arithmetic encoding for JPEG compressed TIFF", by Even Rouault